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So long story short , i was tinkering with a old model of an arris router from my local isp , it was showing some slow speeds between 1 to2 mb and the owner is paying for 50mb 

So i saw something about natted mode or  bridged mode somewhere in the management page and clicked Briged and it rebooted right away without it asking for a save 

Now its back up and only one device can be connected at a time , the speed is better but all the other devices on the network are without internet

1st obvious solution is to connect to the modem manually but i don’t have access to that, its locked in a room Somewhere 

So my question is , is there any other way to access it wirelessly, it doesn’t go by the anymore it legit has random ips now  , and the gateways for those don’t work 

Thanks in advance for any help 

Usually, if you enable the bridge mode in the gateway that would disable the Wi-Fi access and it would work only as a cable modem, which allows you to access only one device at the same time through a hardwired connection.

If you preferred to access Wi-Fi to connect multiple devices at the same time, disable the bridge mode through the web manager page.

To disable it, click the below link  (please note providing a link in general as the gateway product is not mentioned) :

Could you also provide the product model number, such that we can provide more information on the “Slow Speed” .


