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Tried different browsers and my event log page is empty.   It formats but has no log whatsoever.   Anyone know why?

If the modem went through the outage on the service provider end or a factory reset performed on the modem will remove the event logs which has been stored on the modem GUI or interface. you can check the page after 24hrs for any.

Thanks.   Modem hasn’t been able to display an event log for days now.   I’ll try a POR and maybe a factory reset and see what happens. 

Just an update.   I sometimes get an event log.   Sometimes I also get the GUI version of the log but sometimes I just get a text version of the log.   Still its an event log.   I find the 8200 GUI no where close to the reliability of my older SB modem.  

My plan right now is to replace F connectors and maybe pull R6 all the way from outside interface box to the cable modem in my TV room.   Then test the cables.  

Let us know if the same problem persists even after replacing the cable.