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This site can’t provide a secure connection192.168.0.1

  • 28 September 2022
  • 10 replies

I keep getting this error so that I cannot log into my router.  I have tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera and get the same message on all.  I have cleared my browser, checked the time and date, restarted the router (several times) with no luck.

This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.


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Unsupported protocol

The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.


I have been told it is a problem with the certificate. Does Arris have a new certificate that can be installed?

Hello ladybug692


It is true that it is related to the web certificate but there’s no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager’s address at sin this is only to manage your device. Another possible way to manage it is by using the Surfboard Central App. 


Please let us know if this helps.

Thank you for your reply.

The browser will not let me proceed to the site. There is no option to disregard the unsafe warning. If you can tell my how to get my browser to ignore the secure connection, I would greatly appreciate that. 


The Surfboard Central App doesn’t seem to help. No version of the Arris apps recognize my model of modem  SBG6900-AC


Thanks again

Hello ladybug692,

This article might help you to pass that part, it has examples using the most popular browsers.

Let us know if this helps:

None of them work except Safari

do you have a screen snip of the error


Hello ladybug692


There’s something else that we usually suggest to try. Let’s restart the device but we need to do it this way:


  1. disconnect the coaxial cable and then the power cable for 10 seconds
  2. After 10 seconds you will reconnect only the power cable

    After that was done, without the coaxial cable, let’s try to reach the web interface.

Please let us know if this works. 

I tried connecting to the router without the coaxial cable attached. It did not work. 


I have found an article that shows that browsers are not allowing “less secure” sites to be reached. They do this by only allowing https: websites.  I’ve included a link. So, when should we expect Arris to update their access to the routers with a secure login?

Hello ladybug692,


When accessing the Web Manager, a secure or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution.  The message is prompted because the SURFboard products do not have an authentication certificate.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager’s address at or

Did you try different devices to log in ?

Are you using Wi-Fi or hardwired connection to log in ?


We’ll be waiting for your responses. 

Hello @ladybug692,


Thank you and other members for reporting this behavior.   A workaround to get pass the browser message is posted here uses an unsupported protocol.