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I too received no confirmtion of order or tracking, nothing, zilch. Order support links all deadends except being routed to the Community where there is no order, or sales help of any use other than opinions and runarounds.

A few days after the order I was emailed to comment on my new modem (that I hadn’t received) using the s/n which I hadn’t received. After a week and a day the modem showed up unannounced.

This Community directs to Arris Customer Support which directs to come back to the Community, so a never-ending loop (hint: MODERATORS, check out the links you are providing!).

Some Arris Customer Support links redirect to and then you’re really off the rails and get no help, at least I didn’t.

Tech support apparently works, but you have to have a s/n which you don’t have. I essentially tricked Tech support system to be able to talk to someone and convince them to look at my order, the best they could tell me was my order must be messed up. Not helpful, but they did their best.

Moderators probably could care less if their ‘advice’ works, but their Supervisors and Managers should, unless no one at Arris cares. That could be the case.

Bottom line: Sales and Order support is a complete broken. If I ever need tech support I hope they come through. We shall see (or hopefully not).

Buy the modem from ANY seller EXCEPT Arris direct. That way you at least have a chance to get sales and order support.

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